How often do you check the ingredient list on the products you buy? If you fill your cart at the store without much thought to the toxins that may be hiding in ...
If your shampoo, conditioner, hair products, body soap or household candles are scented, there's a good chance you're exposing yourself to synthetic scents. Whi...
Imagine this. You're shopping at your local store one day. You get halfway down the shampoo aisle when a particular product catches your eye. As you grab the bo...
What's the worst thing you can think of that could happen with shampoo? Suffering an eye burn? Swallowing some by accident?
Think again.
According to a st...
I know what you're probably thinking — "Please, I think I know how to wash my hair." Yet you're still just a bit enticed to find out what the "right" way to was...