An old soul is someone who is wise beyond their years. They have a deep understanding of the world, even at a young age. They appreciate art and literature, alo...
“Act your age”—an arbitrary statement, to say the least. Society drenches us in its expectations, but a person is more than what society insists they have to be...
Old souls often have a deeper levels of maturity and wisdom. With these traits comes the innate need to live and love authentically and wholeheartedly. But an o...
Throughout history, adult perception of youth has always revolved around a few key characteristics. Young people are often described as reckless, irresponsible,...
Maybe you're an old soul, or you're falling for someone who is. Old souls tend to live and love a bit differently than others, so it's important to understand a...
Buddha taught his followers of rebirth or reincarnation — the belief that a soul is born multiple times into new bodies or new life forms, traveling on an etern...
"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?" - Satchel Paige
You've probably heard the term "old soul," but has anyone ever referred to you tha...
Children are fantastic. They say what they are thinking, and bring life to everything. Every so often, one comes across a child that seems a little different th...