How do natural body butters differ from the beauty products that grace store shelves? Oh, the differences can be astounding. So it is worth making your own beau...
The wide variety of algal oil health benefits is the reason it is rising in popularity. It is derived directly from algae, and contains DHA, which accounts for ...
Tangerine essential oil is yet another oil from a citrus fruit with powerful health benefits. Tangerines are almost identical to mandarin oranges, except they a...
Tagetes essential oil has many incredible healing properties, with a positive effect even more beautiful than the plant it comes from. Tagetes, also called Khak...
Can you smell it? The scent may remind you of a warm autumn afternoon. But nutmeg oil has many incredible health benefits, so you'll want to use it year round. ...
Niaouli essential oil has many powerful health benefits. Niaouli, also called Melaleuca Viridiflora, comes from a large evergreen tree native to Australia and a...
Recent research has shown that essential oils may be effective treatments for ADHD symptoms. This is good news, as many parents are not too eager to give their ...
Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga, has been practiced since ancient times. For those not familiar with Ayurveda, it is one of the worlds oldest holistic heal...
Spring is a natural time to clear away toxins, so the body can reboot after a long, sluggish winter. But what exactly does a springtime detox entail?
Enough with spending all of your money on chemical-laden lotions and potions that don’t work and actually increase your toxic load! If you want a super healthy ...
Coconut oil to wash your face? Yes! It isn't a stretch. In fact, it's probably the best thing you can do for your beauty routine.
Washing your face is hopefu...
Have trouble getting a good night's rest? We all do at times. With the stressors in our modern environment, it can become difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep,...