Spring is a natural time to clear away toxins, so the body can reboot after a long, sluggish winter. But what exactly does a springtime detox entail?
Traditionally, in Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, spring is a time for renewal and rebirth. Tiffany Cruikshank, celebrity yoga teacher, says: “The body is coming out of hibernation mode and ready to shed some layers, literally.”
Spring is when the body goes through a deeper internal cleansing than its able to in the day-to-day process of life. “In Chinese medicine, spring is the season of the wood element, which is connected to the liver,” says Cruikshank.
So let’s see what a springtime detox looks like.
And to learn 8 ways to love your liver this spring Click HERE.
Here are some other ways you can help your body experience a springtime detox:
1. Raw foods
Because our bodies are naturally in sync with the seasons, foods that support the liver are plentiful at this time. These include spinach, lettuce, snap peas, asparagus, celery, and berries, along with cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower, and bitter greens such as kale, dandelion greens, and chard.
To enhance your detox, supplement those with lemon water, spirulina, chlorella, garlic, and green tea. Cilantro and parsley are especially wonderful for detoxing heavy metals from the body.
You can get my FREE Raw Food Cleanse Ebook here!
2. Juice Cleanses
These are a wonderful way to reset the body and give the digestive system the well-deserved break that it needs to heal and let go of toxins.
If you want to learn more about juicing, read the book The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet by Joe Cross from the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.
3. Colonics or Enemas
While you may not realize it, you likely have years of toxic residue stuck in the cracks of the walls of your colon. Colon hydrotherapy and enemas are a wonderful way to get things moving. You can think about it like pulling the plug on a bathtub full of dirty water.
If you are looking to get your own home enema kit, I recommend this one!
4. Skin Detoxing
The skin is the body’s largest eliminative organ and there are a few things that we can do to encourage the outward flow of toxins.
- Epson Salt and Hydrogen Peroxide Baths: These are a wonderful way to detoxify the body and relax at the end of a day. The heat opens up the pores and the water pulls toxins out via osmosis. Try adding either a few cups of Epsom salts, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide or both to add to the detoxifying effect.
- Dry Brushing: This is one of my favorite ways to detox daily! Dry brush your skin before taking a shower to exfoliate the skin, stimulate the lymphatic system and guide toxins out.
- Saunas: These have been used for such a long time in many traditions! Everyone knows how important it is to “sweat it out” for our well being. Look for either infrared or ozone saunas at local health clinics and gyms!
5. Exercise
Our bodies were made to move! Regular exercise gets the heart pumping and encourages the flow of toxins out of the body. Plus, it will help you work up a good sweat to release toxins, and it keeps your body healthy and strong!
6. Liver-Loving Herbs
Milk thistle, dandelion root and artichoke are all wonderful little helpers for your liver!
7. De-clutter
Do a little spring cleaning! Clearing out your living and working spaces energetically lightens your load. Go through your closets and donate anything you don’t need. It feels SO good!
For more on this, I highly recommend reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo!
8. De-stress
What are you holding onto that is no longer serving you? Consider making some big life changes. Assess your friendships and relationships and purge what is weighing you down.
Also, keep in mind that the body needs to be in a relaxed state in order to start the detoxification process, so let go of things you’ve been holding on to!
Happy Spring Cleaning!
Resource: https://kripalu.org/
Post By Gillian B