Stress happens. But the way you handle it can determine how severely it affects you. Handling it poorly can negatively affect every aspect of your life, so lear...
The body is an amazing thing. When something isn't quite right, it has subtle ways of letting you know. It does this through a variety of mechanisms – one of wh...
Exercising and dieting don't burn fat on their own. They trigger organs and glands to release hormones that burn fat. If exercising and dieting isn't leading to...
Author Lindsey Shaffer
As a woman, I know the feeling of being completely exhausted after a long day, flopping straight into my bed when I get home, curling ...
You can divorce your spouse, or put an end to a toxic relationship with your significant other, but what if your own parent is the source of constant negativity...
If you're unfamiliar with the term "higher self," it refers to the real you. Your higher self is you, in a state of total consciousness. Those who adhere to the...
Raising a strong-willed child can be a challenge when he or she is young. They might seem overly difficult, stubborn and opinionated. But strong-willed children...
If you notice your hair falling out in the shower, don't panic. Most people shed about 50-100 hairs a day. This usually won't cause noticeable hair loss, becaus...
Crow's feet —often referred to as "laugh lines," are a common sign of aging. As we get older, our skin loses elasticity, resulting in crow's feet, lines and wri...
While common emotions such as anger, sadness or joy are usually easy to pinpoint, there are others that we often feel and may not be able to recognize. If you'...
Believe it or not, the foods that you eat can affect every part of your body, including your bones. Maintaining a diet rich in calcium, Vitamin D and other nutr...
Considering that acupuncture is the practice of inserting extremely thing needles through the skin at strategic points on the body, it may make you a bit nervou...