Essential oils are pretty amazing. They can help you relax, soothe muscle pain, relieve your anxiety and help you sleep. Many can even be used to replace common...
If you're one to get a little queasy, you should probably stop yourself from scrolling any further down. If you're curious, keep on reading, but know that you'v...
If you're especially in touch with your inner self, you might be a pro at something that many people struggle with - listening to your gut instincts. That littl...
Just when you think you're on the right track to healthy eating, you find out that your food is hiding something. Unfortunately, the food industry has several s...
The numbers might shock you, but one in six Americans take some kind of psychiatric drug, and most of them are antidepressants. Antidepressants are just prescri...
If you have a full household, most of your groceries probably get eaten in no time at all. But every once in a while, you're left with a few food items that hav...
Have you had your potassium today? Potassium is an electrolyte that is a vital part of a healthy body. In fact, it helps keep the nerve and muscle cells functio...
You probably don't pay too much attention to your armpits. Sure, you check on them every once in a while to shave or apply deodorant, but even that becomes a qu...
After having a baby, 24-year-old Cassandra Campbell started a new career working alongside her dad as a tattoo artist in Michigan. Around the time that she star...
Strong pain in the chest, sudden sweating, uneven breathing - these can all be symptoms of a panic attack. Unfortunately, they can also be symptoms of a heart a...
It's no secret that most medications come with a long list of side effects, including both short-term and long-term risks. Long-term risks can be especially dan...
It's estimated that as many as 5.1 million Americans may have Alzheimer's disease. An Alzheimer's diagnoses can be devastating to a patient, their friends, and ...