Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the belief that energy (chi or qi) flows through and around the body along pathways called meridians. Acupuncturists an...
Pain in the body can be associated with an illness, an accident, a bump or a bruise, and sometimes it appears for what seems like no reason at all. Everyone exp...
When you think your day's going just fine, it's there, creeping up behind you.
When you're snuggled in front of that television and your brain's gearing up t...
If you're in your 20s you may have heard your parents talking about how fast you've grown, or heard your grandparents wishing they had more time. If you're in y...
We all know about rubbing alcohol and what it is commonly used for. It is a disinfectant that is used, more often than not, by mothers to clean scraped knees. I...
Most of us don't really think about our tongues on a daily basis. They're one of those body parts that are important but tend to be forgotten... until we eat so...
Although it's never the topic of a social conversation, earwax is a completely natural occurrence. Many of us tend to associate it with being dirty, but its pur...
You've probably heard about the many amazing health benefits in natural foods. Fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs... Mother nature is full of powerful antioxidan...
Limes are a fantastic health food, and many people like to add them to their drinks, or use them in homemade health products. However, the powerful ingredients ...
Spiritual awakening or spiritual enlightenment is a complex set of ideas that don't have one singular definition, because everyone experiences them differently....
I have several friends who have been trying to quit smoking for years. It's tough, it really is. That's because smoking is both a physical and psychological add...
Do you know the early warning signs of ovarian cysts? If you have experienced the symptoms listed below, you're not alone. An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac...