The controversial world of gene editing just broke new ground by having its first experiment conducted within the U.S. and by significantly increasing the proce...
All good little boys and girls share their toys, right? According to Alanya Kolberg, Springfield resident and mother of three, the answer is a resounding no.
Abuse doesn't always leave you covered in physical bruises. There are many different forms of abuse that can leave you with emotional scars. Emotional and psych...
You might think you're getting a good deal when you grab a cheap bottle of wine off of the shelf. Hey, it's the kind of wine you like to drink and it'll do the ...
An abusive relationship often sneaks up on you. Your partner starts out charming and kind, then little by little the relationship changes. Before you know it, y...
After half a year of fighting tirelessly for their son's life, the parents of Charlie Gard have decided to discontinue life support---effectively ending his lif...
Last February, a two-year-old girl fell into an outdoor pool sitting at 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Little Eden drowned for 10 to 15 minutes before she was found. As...
Research has shown over and over again how important active prevention is when it comes to lowering your risk of cancer. Prevention may come in the form of exer...
Depression affects every part of your life. Your sleeping habits, your eating habits, your job, your relationships... They all suffer when you become overwhelme...
Parents, in a bid to capture every adorable baby moment and milestone on film, will often will have their cameras at-the-ready. And sometimes they simply film t...
Standing desks have become more and more popular, for a good reasons. Studies show that for every hour you sit down, your life expectancy decreases by two hours...
With all the excitement that comes along with a family vacation, we often forget to worry about something pretty important - the food in the refrigerator. The l...