Mornings can be hectic, especially with children. When you're trying to get everyone out the door on time with the right coats, shoes and backpacks, things are ...
Your brain is a powerful tool and it can make or break you. If you let them, your thoughts can drive you crazy. Mulling over deep thoughts is a favorite pastime...
Negativity is everywhere. It’s in the media, the workplace, within our social circles, and even in our own families. You can't avoid it altogether, but you can...
If you're a parent, you've probably lost track of how many times your child has fallen and scraped their knees. It's inevitable - kids fall down while playing a...
When you become a parent, you start to see things differently. The corner of your kitchen table suddenly looks dangerous, your stairs become off limits and the ...
Oklahoma mother Keri Young was devastated upon hearing the news: her unborn baby has anencephaly---a terrible birth defect in which the fetus has no brain.
Holy basil isn't the sweet basil you taste in marinara sauce or the herb you might use to flavor your homemade soup. Holy basil, also known as tulsi, is native ...
Being a new mom can be exciting, overwhelming and a little bit scary. Seeing your newborn smile makes all of the sleepless nights worth it. But hearing them cry...
Nothing is worse than food encrusted on cookware and the ensuing time suck to soak, scrub, repeat. Except one thing - Your cookware poisoning you and your famil...
If you like to relax in a nice, warm bath at night, you may have taken part in the latest trend: bath bombs. Fun and colorful bath bombs create a fizzy, sweet-s...
If you like the taste of energy drinks, you've probably had a Red Bull at some point or another. The fizzy drink provides you with a quick boost of energy, and ...
If you haven't noticed, beards are in. Beards, man buns - it seems that men everywhere are embracing their natural hair. There are black beards, grey beards and...