No one likes static electricity. I tend to always get shocked, and it hurts every time. Fabric softeners and dryer sheets will fix the problem, but they can be ...
While women may more openly discuss the problem of dark under-eye circles, the truth is that it affects men as well. "Are you feeling OK?" or "Were you up late ...
Blueberry muffins, blueberry pancakes, blueberry pie... need I go on? Not only do blueberries make the perfect tasty snack, it turns out they're great for you!
The list of uses for apple cider vinegar keeps on growing. So what's the latest? Using it to clear up an annoying and uncomfortable sinus infection!
A sinus ...
Contact lenses are pretty powerful. And not just in the good sense. Yes, they correct your vision without the use of bulky frames. But they also alter the bacte...
We all have our weird-colored pee stories. When I was a lifeguard, I once saw a woman pee in the pool. It was a bright, fluorescent lime green, and I thought sh...
Depression is a serious condition that affects about 10% of the American population. That means you probably know someone who is depressed or may become depress...
We know all about ways to keep ourselves healthy. Go to the gym, avoid processed foods, drink lots of water, eat our vegetables ... Those are the big ones. But ...
Heart disease is still the leading cause of death in America. So you may wonder, how do we counter clogged arteries? Not surprising, you can turn to food to hel...
Most of us know and adore Mike Rowe from his TV series Dirty Jobs. The man has done everything thinkable to show his audience that people work hundreds, if not ...
You may have heard by now about the buzz surrounding the many benefits of apple cider vinegar. If you have it in your kitchen, you are probably used to using it...
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children says roughly 800,000 kids are reported missing annually in the United States.
That doesn't mean peop...