Kohlrabi is a vegetable that's loaded with Vitamin C, phytochemicals and other healthy nutrients. It's in the same family as kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli an...
Even if you haven't tried "the immortal health elixir," you've probably heard about kombucha. This fermented beverage has certainly grown in popularity in recen...
Kombu is an edible type of kelp, found in kelp forests in the sea. Kelp forests help maintain a healthy ecosystem for organisms that live between the surface of...
Great in dips, salsas, and homemade breads, jalapenos are certainly known for their versatility. They’re relatively small but pack a lot of heat, and are a favo...
Morinda citrifola, also known as Indian mulberry, is a fruit that's native to Southeast Asia. The fruit starts out green then ripens, giving off a pungent odor....
Kale, often a key component to green smoothies, has gained a lot of popularity over the years, and for a good reason, too! For one thing, it’s more nutrient-den...
Kamut (say “ka-moot”) is an ancient grain rich in nutrients and high in energy. Specifically, Kamut is a trademarked name given to khorasan wheat. While it’s be...
Is "yum" the first word that comes to mind when you hear "cultured dairy"? Well, with this one, it should be. But the best part is that kefir benefits more than...
Kidney beans are consumed around the world. Like cannellini beans and adzuki beans, kidney beans can enhance the flavor as well as the nutritional value of any ...
Kelp is a superfood loaded with nutrients. It's been a diet staple in Asian cultures for centuries thanks to its mayn health benefits. While the thought of eati...
If you've ever heard of a raw food diet, you may have dismissed it as another fad. But this diet isn't a fad or a scam. It's more like a lifestyle change, with ...
Jicama, also known as yambean, is a bulbous root vegetable. Some have compared its consistency to a mixture of an apple and a turnip. Its origins are the Mexica...