Psychological manipulators can be tough to pinpoint. If you grew up being manipulated, then you’re used to it, making it harder to recognize it as bad behavior....
Many of us worry whether or not our kids are happy. We envision for them great things, like lucrative careers, high-standard academic achievements, and maybe ev...
Your brain is a powerful tool and it can make or break you. If you let them, your thoughts can drive you crazy. Mulling over deep thoughts is a favorite pastime...
Negativity is everywhere. It’s in the media, the workplace, within our social circles, and even in our own families. You can't avoid it altogether, but you can...
If you’ve seen people or pictures of people with semicolon tattoos, you probably have wondered what the tattoos mean. Typically inornate and small in size, the ...
In your younger years, you naively thought 30 was old. And in your 20’s, you dreaded leaving behind what you thought was the best decade of your life. Turning 3...
Mornings, or whatever time of day you get out of bed, set the tone for the day. Most mornings ooze chaos, and so it is from dawn and well past dusk. Amid kids, ...
When it comes to fitness and weight loss, there is a wealth of information out there—some harmful, some helpful. But there is a lot of it, and at times it can b...
Sarah Eaton is a writer and editor for David In 2007, she earned a BA in Biblical Studies. She is a novelist, is owned by a beagle, enjoys a healthy vegan lifestyle, and lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband.