David Wolfe is on the hunt for wild springs in Finland for some of the purest water he's ever found.
Even if you can't make it to Finland, you can discover pur...
Have you ever thought about how foods become a certain color? Here is an excerpt from my upcoming Color Cure book that will help explain the importance of Vita...
Over the last 20 years, I have experienced various dietary lifestyles, including being a junk foodist, an ethical omnivore, a vegetarian then a vegan, next a ra...
Chocolate and cannabis are so wonderful that even the mention of both in a sentence is enough to make one giggle. Scientific proof is mounting that both chocola...
The Scientific Secrets of Chocolate and Cannabis: How and Why Chocolate and Cannabis are Medicines
and How and Why Chocolate Increases the Effects of Cannabis....
No matter where I go in the world, there is one supplement I carry with me all the time...my favorite super anti-oxidant MegaHydrate. For optimal hydration, to ...
I was in Amsterdam in 2003 talking to an owner of a café one morning. Offhandedly, the owner said to me, "One day I'm going to buy a cacao farm and retire." Unt...
David “Avocado” Wolfe is the rock star and Indiana Jones of the superfoods and longevity universe. The world’s top CEOs, ambassadors, celebrities, athletes, artists, and the real superheroes of this planet—Moms—all look to David for expert advice in health, beauty, herbalism, nutrition, and chocolate!
David is the celebrity spokesperson for America’s #1 selling kitchen appliance: the NUTRiBULLET™. He is the visionary founder and president of the non-profit The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation charity (www.ftpf.org) with a mission to plant 18 billion fruit, nut, and medicinal trees on planet Earth.